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Card Chess

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The Poisoned Pawn

In this variant of chess, both players has to decide one pawn of his/her own that the player want to be poisoned, but should not tell the other player about it. Both the player needs to tell the poisoned pawn to the arbiter. Player to decide their poisoned pawn before start of the game. (Poisoned pawn highlighted in red) Rules: If any player kills the poisoned pawn of other player, then the other player wins the game. If any player captures all the pawn's of other player, then he/she wins the game. If any player checkmates the other player, even if the player has not captured all the pawn of the checkmated player, still he/she is declared the winner. If the poisoned pawn reaches to the back rank of other player and get's upgraded, then the piece it get's promoted to is considered to be poisoned and that piece should not be captured by other player in order to avoid losing. Poisoned Pawn Mid Game Poisoned Pawn promoted to Queen So, in this variant the player has 3 ways of wi

Fischer Random Chess

Fischer Random Chess is a variant of Chess Invented by Former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer. The rules of the game are same as the rules of standard chess. Fischer Random Chess Board In this fun variant of chess, pieces are randomly placed on the back rank of each player. Endgame happens the same way as of standard chess, i.e. either checkmate, stalemate, time-out or draw. Both bishops must be placed on opposite color of cell, same as standard chess. King will be placed in between the rooks in order to facilitate castling both ways. Also by the same reason, king cannot be placed on corners (i.e. on A1, H1 for white and A8, H8 for black). The rules for castling is same as the standard chess, i.e. Both rook and king has not moved yet from their initial position, there must be no pieces between rook and king in order to castle, moreover the castling is not possible if any of the squares that king travel through or end up in is under check. This variant was made by Bobby Fischer with