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Card Chess

In this variant of chess, player has to play using cards instead of their own choices. Although the choice of the piece to be moved is taken away from the player, the game is not fully out of control of the player. The player still holds the right to place the selected piece at the position where he/she wants to move. Also if there are multiple piece of a drawn card, then the player has also choice to decide which piece among the selected choice he/she wants to move.



  • Card are as follows:
    1. King card
    2. Queen card
    3. Bishop card
    4. Rook card
    5. Knight card
    6. Pawn card
  • Both player's has to make their moves based on the outcome of the random pick of a card.
  • If the chosen card is King or Queen card then the only choice the player has to move king or queen respectively.
  • If the chosen card is Bishop or Rook or Knight card, then the player can move any of the two bishop or two Rook or two Knight respectively, given that 2 such pieces are available respectively.
  • If the chosen cars is Pawn card, then the player has a choice to move any of the pawn present on the board given that it is not blocked.
  • The player has to chose a position for the piece to be placed, the player can't just skip the card.
  • In case of a check, only those pieces will be chosen by random card picker, who either can block the check or if the piece is king itself then king can move as well.

